Saturday, December 15, 2012

What Foods to Eat to Help Get Rid of Acne?

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Have you ever suffered an embarrassing moment and you tried to use makeup to cover your red spots or pimples from being seen, it didn't work, your friends or colleagues were looking at your face and had a curious smile on their face.

Basically if you are willing to change your eating habits and select some foods rich in vitamins and minerals, the chance to get rid of acne is very possible. There are many foods that can help you getting rid of acne fast however only a well-balanced diet leads to a good result. In addition to improving your skin, a healthy diet should be considered and kept in mind because there are no miracle cures overnight.

Here I would like to address some food elements that can help you reduce or get rid of acne if you balance your daily food intake.

Vitamin C Rich Foods

Blood tissues require a certain amount Vitamin C daily so as to maintain our tissue replacement. All fruits and vegetables contain Vitamin C, but some categories of fruits and vegetables are even richer in Vitamin C; fruits such as citrus fruits, and berry fruits. Citrus fruits include lemons, navel oranges, mandarin oranges and tangelos. The juices from these fruits also contain rich sources of keeping our skin healthy. Pulp juices contain textures that are the other key nutrient to maintaining the right amount of blood tissues. The berry family of fruits include strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, cranberries and so on. They are also rich in Vitamin C. In addition to those fruits mentioned, these fruits also contain Vitamin C: mangoes, bananas, pears, apples, watermelons and so on. Apart from fruits, vegetables such as tomatoes, potatoes, spinach, lettuce and beans are good sources of Vitamin C. Once we consume a certain amount of vegetables and fruits to keep Vitamin C well balanced in our body, it is not hard to maintain healthy skin. Once the skin is healthy, the likelihood of growing acne is rare.

Mineral Rich Foods

Minerals are another source required to maintain healthy skin. White and red meats contain these elements. White meats include fish and shellfish. Common fish include salmon and tuna. Shellfish include oysters, scallops, clams and mussels. All these kinds of seafood contain rich sources of the nutrients needed to maintain healthy skin. Red meats contain lamb, beef and pork. According to some health analysis, animal organ meats also produce human body required nutrients such as liver, kidneys, hearts and spleen. These foods contain rich proteins and excessive fats; excessive fats have a negative effect to maintaining healthy skin so that a well-balanced intake of white or red meats is essential and vital to maintaining your skin at a healthy level.

Stay Away From Junk Food

When you plan your well-balanced diet, you should always stay away from junk food. Junk foods only have a good flavour, but they carry greasy fat. Extra fat will clog your pores and increase the likelihood of acne growing.

Stay Away From Alcohol Drinks

Alcohol drinks include beer and spirits. For some women, at a certain time of the month, their skin is sensitive and extra alcohol will trigger the growth or development of acne. Instead of drinking alcohol, you can drink green tea daily. Green tea can assist your body in digesting excessive fat so as not to clog your skin pores.

Everyone is aware of a well-balanced diet to keep our skin clean and suffer less time of growing acne. However some people are not willing to follow those suggestions and still keep their unhealthy food habits which leads to a higher chance of growing acne. Therefore, the most important thing to do at this stage is to quit old eating habits, pick up a new eating habit and keep it going. You will completely get rid of acne!

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