Thursday, December 20, 2012

Acne Prevention - How To Prevent Acne

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Deep under the skin are a series of glands known as the sebaceous glands. These glands become active once a person reaches puberty and they are responsible for releasing controlled amounts of oil that is used by the body to protect the skin. Unfortunately, since these glands are regulated by the same hormones which are overactive during puberty, the results are an increased production in this oil.

The oil leaves the glands and makes their way to the skin's surface through a series of channels known as pores. Sometimes these pores do not go to the surface and other times they are blocked by dirt and other impurities. When the pores are blocked, but reach all the way to the surface, a blackhead forms. If the opening of the Pore is too small for the thick oil to flow through it only takes a small blockage to develop a pimple. Sometimes though, the pore does not reach the surface and as a result a cyst or nodule develops.

Cysts are like pimples without heads. They are just under the surface of the skin and they will eventually pop just like any ordinary pimple. They are not however, painful. Nodules on the other hand develop deep below the surface of the skin and they can be really painful depending upon where they form
Blockage is the number one cause of acne and in many cases it occurs too easily. If you are sleeping and a pore which opens to your pillowcase starts to release oil while you are sleeping, then it only takes a short period of time for the pore to become clogged. The same can be said about your bed sheets or even any clothing you wear to bed.

While you sleep, anything that comes into contact with your skin must be able to absorb the oils from your skin long enough to prevent the pores from blocking when in contact. Your bedding and sleepwear should be made of all natural fabrics. At the same time, you need to make sure that they are being regularly cleaned because a dirty pillowcase is more likely to cause acne then a clean one.

Unfortunately, this only helps to prevent the type of acne that results from blocked pores. You still have to deal with the nodules and cysts and for that, you need to regulate your diet better. Whatever you can do to help slow down and reduce the amount of oil that your body produces everyday will help to prevent the forming of acne.

One type of food in particular which should be avoided is any foods which are high in fat content, grease or have been fried. These excessive oils that your body consumes will result in an increased production of oils within the body.

Finally, there is the emotional aspect that one needs to take into account when seeking ways on how to prevent acne. Stress can result in the production of the hormones that control the sebaceous glands and if you allow yourself to become too stressed out, then chances are that you may also develop acne as a result.
Just remember that prevention is the key to make your life acne free. The more that you do to prevent the occurrence of acne, the easier it will be to combat a breakout if and when it should occur. Always remember to stay clean, wash your hands regularly and whenever you sweat excessively, clean up afterwards and change your clothes. This will help to prevent the possibility that you may clog a Pore and end up with another acne outbreak. Also do not forget to speak to your local dermatologist to find out what can help you in your particular case.

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