Saturday, December 15, 2012

9 Easy and Natural Ways to Get Rid of Pimples

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Do you fight embarrassing pimples every day? Do you have bouts of painful pimples on your skin? Have you been looking for some natural ways to get rid of acne?

Here are the top 9 easy and natural ways to get rid of pimples. If you follow these easy but often ignored tips, you'll soon be on your way to clean skin!

1. Don't pick and squeeze the existing pimples. Those actions only increase the likelihood of more pimples growing. As a result, your skin is easily infected and you take the risk of increasing the possibility of leaving scars after the infected spots are healed.

2. Wash your face regularly, twice a day is recommended. Only use fragrant and soap-free organic facial cleanser to smoothly wash your face so that the pores are not clogged with excessive oil. Keep in mind not to over-wash your skin because it might stimulate the chance of growing more pimples; this outcome certainly is not expected or desired.

3. Build a healthy diet plan. Some people are allergic to certain foods which cause more pimples to grow. Try to eat Vitamin C and zinc-rich fruits such as citrus, berries, apples, mangoes, bananas and melons as well as vegetables such as lettuce, broccoli, carrots, tomatoes and potatoes. It is believed that zinc and Vitamin C can help alleviate conditions from becoming worse. Try to reduce drinking milk and eating seafood. Recent studies show milk contains hormones and seafood is rich in iodine. Those sources only stimulate the chance of pimples growing and developing.

4. Drink an adequate amount of water daily to keep away unwanted materials out of your body and prevent pimples from spreading all over your body, especially on your face.

5. Try not to wear makeup because those chemical materials can clog your pores and cause more pimples. If you have to wear makeup, you must thoroughly rinse your face with water and clean away any chemical materials on your face to prevent pimples from breaking out.

6. Avoid using facial creams for greasy skin because an oil-rich facial moisturizer adds extra oil to your face. When the elements penetrate into your skin, they increase the possibility of pores clogging and trigger another bout of pimple breakout.

7.Exercise regularly to keep fit and increase blood circulation. By doing this, sweating takes away toxins and reduces the chances of pimples growing.

8. Stay away from stress and have sufficient sleep daily to give your skin more time to breathe during the night time.

9.Stay outside in the sun but only early morning sun. Sun rays stimulate the production of Vitamin D; it is an essential element for healthy skin apart from Vitamin C. Avoid staying in the sun too long otherwise it has a negative effect on your skin.

Over a period of time, one day when you look at your skin in the mirror, you suddenly see your pimples completely disappeared, your skin returns its natural shinny and clean complexion. In the meantime, your confidence and excitement returns to normal and you start to participate in some social entrainment events. What a surprising result!

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